Thursday, February 25, 2010

Village Voice review of HOTWIRE #3 show!!!

the Village Voice review our show! read it here...


Monday, February 22, 2010

bjj, & important comic book news!

lets get it out of the way. my brazilian jiu jitsu instructor Babs Olusanmokun gave me my first promotion a week ago... i have a stripe on my white belt!, now i have to live up to it and train even harder! great!?!

in the comic book world a record was set for the highest price paid EVER for a comic book. get the story here
a slabbed (cgc graded 8.0) of Action comics #1. first appearance of Superman, sold for $1 million smackerooooos~!
nice huh?

coming up in a post soon...why i love canada, winter sports, the winter olympics, and travelling!

and a question to you: should i go on the public access Chess Now
???? it's hokey, and i'm sure to get publicly humilated, but what's the downside?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hotwire #3 opening party report

The Hotwire opening party is in the bag. Wow...what a phenomenal turn out! It was a cold wintry night, but thanks to all who came. We drank a LOT of wine & beer, and a great time was had by all...don't believe me??!!?? check out the pix!!! Thanks to Glenn Head for all the assistance leading up to the show and for putting the good word out. Also, big up to all the artists in attendance: Chadwick Whitehead, Jayr Pulga, Sam Henderson, Glenn Head, R Sikoryak, & Danny Hellman. , Other news: We're getting reviewed in the Village Voice !! Plus, a big up to my cousins Melissa, Debra, and the surprise visit by Liz (and husband Doug and daughter Alana) all the way from D.C. !!! Minutes before the opening....i had my doubts, i mean the weather sucked and there's still tons of snow on the ground from the recent storm, but then the faithful kept streaming in, and it went off without a hitch. So thanks again to all who came out to make it a memorable evening and thanks again to all the artists for creating such fabulous art.

Friday, February 12, 2010

book review!!! and the opening HOTWIRE tonite

well friends, it's been a crazy whirlwind week leading up to the HOTWIRE #3 group show opening tonite in my gallery. earlier today an art critic from the Village Voice came to review it. cool huh? sooooo, more to report on the opening later. right now the gallery's clean (nothing short of a miracle), all the art's up, all the wine/beer/and snacks in place, just a few touches to take care of and we're good to go.

on to the graphic novel review of Alex Robinson's To Cool to be Forgotten.
a fantastic graphic novel about hypnosis, smoking, high school, and TIME TRAVEL...well sort of.
Alex really captures some powerful emotions, laffs and heartache with his beautiful cartooning technique and superb storytelling. i HIGHLY recommend this book.