Sunday, July 20, 2008


in brief. looooong previous 24 hrs. frantic packing, little sleep, and a long travel day (without any hitches). had a great vietnamese meal at phuong trang, and slept like a brick! best nite's sleep inna long time. staying in secret location near the beach!
woke up and went to the farmer's market in Hillcrest with my wife marcia and daughter lena. got some exquisite fruit, tasted some awesome food, and enjoyed the sights and crafts and lamented not being able to buy more food like the MOST awesome artichokes i've EVER seen.

then had lunch at our favorite dim sum restaurant: Jasmine. ordered way too much. but that's the eder way!
got some coffee and did some sneaker and clothes shopping. ended the afternoon at the beach.
off for dinner now.
ta ta!

Friday, July 18, 2008

san diego BOUND !!!

it's been a while last report!
that's because i'm totally insane with sh!t to do before leaving for the CON!!!
all i can say is: I'm bringing the mother lode of art. all kindsa great masterpieces.
i'm packing now and have been workin like a lunatic for what seems like endless days and nites now. our flight tomorrow was canceled and we found out today. so we opted for an earlier flight.
so now i gotta double bust my butt to get everything to fedex today!!!!
why am i writing???? back to work for me!

can't wait to report to you from san diego.
shortly my brothers and sisters.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

jeffrey brown & mma & me ???

jeffrey brown, mma, ???
mixed martial arts!
j.b's a fan. so am i. just found out about his interest by lookin at the Top Shelf 2008 sampler. low and behold in the latest enstallment of SULK .. Jeff is putting his spin on MMA !!! arm bars, full mount, side guard and all!!!

now i know 3 people who like mma!!!
only 2 of the 3 actually like comics.
must be why i know no one into mma.
comics and mma don't necessarily go together.

my favorite things to see in mma:
a fighter who's had his ass kicked, hang in there and find the submission to steal the fight!
knockout's by kicks.
body shot knockout.
wicked throws.
creative submissions.
smiling after taking a good shot.
good sportsmanship.
good refs who know when to stop the fight.
a good chin.
smaller guys beating the bigger guy.
beating the trash talker.
english fans, and their fondness for the sport.
avenging a loss
prefight excitement
tuff chicks
brazilian fighters.
putting someone to sleep with the legs only! any sleeper hold is nice tho
guy asked to stand up cuz his ground game is too tuff for the guy who put him on the ground

least favorite things:
guys sleeping on each other. wake me and them up please!
leaning against the cage too long.
and whining that you didn't tap out. shut up! you know your arm was gonna get snapped.
gloating after the win. a little happiness and dancing around is ok. but chill dude!
guys who get winded too soon.
bad decisions: bisping over hamill. no fuckin way bisping won that fight
french canadian fighters who don't speak english. ur in north america. speak english!
tight shorts. yuck.
not avenging a loss: lidell vs rampage jackson 2
when guys are tentative for more than 1 minute. fuckin bang already.
fans booing a great technical fight on the ground.
fights stopped because of cuts
not making the weight
guys too tired from making the weight
fat guys who don't win
how much champs make. NOT ENUFF

my favorite fighters in mma ?:
nick diaz (u wanna get in the ring with this guy...are you fuckin nuts?...his bro nate is great too)
mac danzig (but he doesn't fight enuf)
urijah faber (this guy is the best in the world at his weight)
b.j. penn (a legend, and a current ufc champ, hawaii rules)
jens pulver (another legend)
forrest griffen (current ufc champ)
fedor emelianenko (i'd give my left nut to see this guy fight in the ufc, or anything other than pride...his brother's pretty mean too)
gray maynard (nick name the bully: in a sport with a bunch of bullies that's pretty much saying something)
josh koscheck (tuff fighter. i like him a lot).
cung lee (best kickboxer on the planet for his weight class)
randy couture
spencer fisher
kenny florian
chris horodecki (the polish hammer)
roger huerta (shouldn't wear those small shorts tho)
keith jardine (the kinda red neck you need as your friend)
chuck lidell (take notes on forrest griffen's decision over quentin jackson)
karo parisyan (judo throws rock)
joe stevenson ( a lotta heart, good showing after he took a big beat down from b.j. penn)
matt serra (you gotta love a tuff new yorker complete with long island accent)
george st. pierre (baggy shorts please...tremendous fighter)
matt hughes (a legend...i could live with out the jesus stuff tho. no we can't all pray together)
frank & ken shamrock
anderson silva (i'm curious who'll find a way to beat this's not gonna be easy)
brandon vera
BRAZILIAN fighters. too many to list. they're all tuff.
JAPANESE fighters. fun to watch

the scum also rises

the title of a comix art anthology of SKIP WILLIAMSON's art.
fuckin A.
guess what?
this legend of the underground comix scene, original contributer to Bijou Comix, and numerous other projects thru his lifetime will be havin a big ole gallery show with us in APRIL!!!! he paints his ass off plus he's a living art master, and you must bow down! and hopefully joining him will be a special buddy and fellow Bijou artist and underground master as well JAY LYNCH!!!!

i'll be exhibiting great art by Skip at the San Diego comic con.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

san diego comic con news!!!

more crazy special art to surprise you at comic con!!!
delectable paintings by JIM WOODRING.
secrets from the vault of my/marcia's PRIVATE collection!
Thomas Ott art!!!

let it be known....ashley will be hangin about every now and then at the booth.
shhhhhh, don't tell anyone!

Saturday, July 5, 2008


wow. at the brooklyn museum and ending soon :-(.
not sure if i've ever seen a show quite like this. art in the lobby, and 2 full floors of art!!! models, anime, wall paper, paintings of all sizes. Murakami's impact on the fine art world is truely a phenomenon. it's easy to see how many artists have direct influence. he straddles the wall between high & low art like no other artist i've seen. and unlike the giants of pop art in the 60's/70's Murakami is genuine part of the medium he draws his influence from (manga). and if seeing giant rooms wall papered with his trademark images and huge paintings that made my mouth water with envy and jealousy (i want one!!!!) wasn't enough, there was the gift shop with every conceiveable item packaged like only the japanese know how to do. i hope this is a travelling show...i didn't check. if not, you better hurry to catch it before it goes!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

more things i like

as if there wasn't enuf to love about this city...
1- MOMA. ok, lotsa great art. but did you know each admission gets you in to their movie theatre? tonite i'm going with my wife Marcia, and daughter Lena to see Woody Allen's SLEEPER !!!
how cool is that?
2- Swiss published magazine about comics STRAPAZIN
3-Chunklet presents THE OVERATED book. everything you want to say or can't believe someone else would say it about overated rockers, artists, movies, etc.
4- Masala Dosai. south side of washington square park. a guy makes them fresh at his cart. for those of you who don't know it's a sort of lentil flour crepe with spiced potatoes and home made coconut chutney on the side. it's UN-FRICKIN-BELIEVABLE!!!! great, now i'll have to wait even longer in line! oh yeah, it's south indian cuisine...totally veggie.
5- biking in nyc at nite
6- Art News' 200 biggest collectors. it's like a roadside accident, you can't help but slow down to see it. who are these people? why aren't they buying comic book art? from me???? !!!
7- people who talk SO loudly on the subway that you can't concentrate on what you're reading.
do you seriously think i like this??
8- my gallery in dumbo brooklyn....
9- the manhattan bridge. first of all, it's the "real" bridge, not a tourist bridge like the brooklyn bridge. it's industrial, dirty, has better views, and most starts in chinatown!!! and ends in at my gallery ;-)
10- southern california. each year i make my pilgrimage to the san diego comic con! this year booth #415. but in all the time off, i hit the beaches, eat all the crazy great food, hang out with my brother evan, and then go camping in the sierra's !!!! it doesn't get any better.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

10 things i like

and this isn't in order of best or anything

1-danny hellman's latest comix anthology TYPHON. amazing cast of great artists and story tellers.
2-Lemon Magazine. mainly their tribute issue to Stanley Kubrick. thusly called Clockwork Lemon. this is a fantastic issue.
3-dim sum in nyc
4-great ramen noodle shops, in nyc
5- wall-e ....just saw the latest pixar flick. WOW
6- ROYAL FLUSH magazine. you guys ROCK!!!
7- dave cooper art. i'm a sucker for this guy's genius
8- camping. yep. i'mma nature boy! when i'm not a city slicker
9-clams on the half shell. if you don't eat 'em...ur a punk!
10- vintage fender bass guitars. WHY ARE THEY SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE !!!!
anybody want to trade a vint fender for some art?
**bonus 11- glam rock!!! vain!!!